via Zachary Bernstein, ThinkProgress
The Missouri House passed a “conscience bill” yesterday to allow health care workers to deny health care to women. Under the law, medical professionals cannot be fired or discriminated against for refusing to provide contraception or perform abortions if it conflicted with their personal views, while employers do not have to cover contraception.
But as opponents of the measure point out, there is more at stake than religious convictions for doctors or pharmacists:
Most of the opposition in the House came from Democratic lawmakers representing districts near St. Louis and Kansas City who argued the legislation would inhibit access to health care for some Missourians. Several opponents said it seemed the measure was aimed particularly at birth control.
Rep. Stacey Newman, D-St. Louis, said the medical procedures at issue in the legislation would affect women most directly. Speaking with a male opponent of the measure, Newman said, “You will be putting your stamp on what you think I should be doing and also deciding if your religious beliefs will supersede my religious beliefs and my moral convictions.”
This bill now goes to the state Senate for consideration before the Missouri legislative session ends on Friday.
Filed under: HEALTH & CARE, MISSOURI, THE ISSUES, THE STATE OF STATES, WOMEN Tagged: Abortion, Beliefs, Birth control, Conscience Bill, Conservatives, Contraception, Contraceptives, Democrats, Doctor, Employers, Health Care, House of Representatives, Kansas, Liberals, Medical Professionals, Missouri, Morals, Pharmacist, Pregnancy, Religion, Republicans, Sam Brownback, Senate, Stacey Newman, War on Women, Women