via Michael McAuliff, The Huffington Post
The House of Representatives advanced a bill Friday that funds cheaper student loans by cutting a preventive health care program — sparking a heated battle in which House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) accused Democrats of manufacturing a war on women.
The House passed the bill by a vote of 215 to 195, with 30 Republicans bucking their party to oppose the bill, and 13 Democrats voting in favor. Democrats might have blocked the measure if the stayed together. The interest rate for federally subsidized student loans is scheduled to jump from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent for some 7.4 million students on July 1 if Congress does not act.
Republicans had voted earlier in the week for a budget that allowed the rate to go up, but under public pressure offered a plan Wednesday to preserve the rate by cutting the Prevention and Public Health Fund created in President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Republicans say the move would save $6 billion dollars.
Calling the health program — which aims to lower health care costs by encouraging prevention — a “slush fund,” Boehner said its funding should be used to help students instead.
The White House threatened to veto the bill Friday, and House Democrats objected as well, arguing that the $11.9 billion program (which was already cut from $16 billion) goes to fund things like cancer screening, child immunizations and programs designed to help people quit smoking and eat right.
They also argued that the Republicans’ choice of that funding stream to pay for low loan rates showed the GOP doesn’t really want to pass the bill.
“Make no mistake … our Republican colleagues haven’t changed their minds about this, they’ve changed their tactics,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). “If they really wanted to stop student loans from increasing, they wouldn’t seek to cover the cost by cutting funds for cervical cancer screening, by cutting funds for breast cancer screening, but cutting other women’s health care measures. They wouldn’t push a measure the president has already said he will veto.”
Republicans stood by the “slush fund” description, however, and argued that money would still remain for screening and prevention programs.
“All of these things are going to continue to receive base discretionary funding,” said Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) “All these programs are going to remain in existence, so how can you come come down to the floor and constantly say we’re going to cut? The slush fund will not affect women, families and children.”
Several Democrats noted that while the student loan measure would not cost all of the $11.9 billion that would be saved if the health care program is cut, the GOP intends to slash the remainder of the money from its budget. The House blocked a Democratic alternative that would have paid for the student loan bill by taking away tax subsidies for oil companies.
Filed under: CONGRESS & POLICY, DEBT & TAXES, HEALTH & CARE, POLITICS, THE ISSUES, WOMEN Tagged: Affordable Care Act, Barack Obama, Cancer Screenings, Child Immunizations, Chris Van Hollen, Cliff Stearns, Congress, Debt, Democrats, Discretionary Funding, GOP, Health Care, Henry Waxman, John Boehner, July 1st, Loophole, Prevention, Prevention and Public Health Fund, Republicans, S-Corporations, Student Loan, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, Veto, War on Women, White House